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Dr.Web for Android

Protection from all types of malicious programs that steal money and data from Android devices; encryption ransomware; unwanted calls and short messages; and dangerous web content.


Dr.Web software usage terms are governed by the License agreement. A serial number (commercial or trial) is required to run the program. A serial number becomes valid as soon as the user registers it.

  Dr.Web Anti-virus for Android Light
Download only from Google Play
You don’t need a serial number to use the anti-virus
You can not transfer the anti-virus to another device
Lifetime license
Anti-virus only
This license offers insufficient protection!*
Recommended! Dr.Web Security Space for Android
Download from Doctor Web's site and official markets. Buy on Doctor Web's site or from any partner.
You need a serial number (trial or commercial) to use the anti-virus
Can be transferred to another device
Affordable price
14-day trial. Buy a license for 1 or 2 years
All protection components
Technical support is available

* It will only scan your device for viruses and view how Dr.Web is detecting new threats, but it is not recommended for continuous protection, especially if you use your device for online transactions.

Renewal and additional purchase
There are two ways to renew your Dr.Web Security Space for Android license: buy an electronic license or a Dr.Web boxed product at the standard (full) price. No renewal and additional purchase discounts are available due to this product’s extremely low price.

You don’t have a Dr.Web license yet? This can be easily fixed!

Dr.Web Security Space

Dr.Web Security Space

Protection for PC and mobile device

Buy 31.00 USDThe price includes VAT

Dr.Web Security Space for Android

Dr.Web Security Space for Android

Protection for a mobile device only

Buy 8.00 USDThe price includes VAT